Sunday, June 22, 2008

LMAO – 7 Tips to be Fit, Fabulous and Funny

If you are active in the “cyber” world of this 21st century, you know that LMAO means Laugh My Ass Off. If only it were that simple, because fat asses are really no laughing matter. Obesity and its related illnesses kill more people in this country than everything else combined.

But then again, why not LMAO? Laughter is the “best medicine” after all. Certainly what we’ve done so far isn’t working. We spend billions of dollars on diets and weight-loss gimmicks in this country, and we are still the heaviest people in the world.

So LMAO is the perfect little acronym for starting to build a life so filled with joy and great choices that we will stop eating ourselves alive. So what can you do to carpe the happy diem?

  1. If you have a long commute, listen to inspirational CD’s and great music to set the stage for an awesome day. (The only TODAY you get, by the way.)
  2. If you work somewhere filled with negativity, be an observer instead of a participant. (Complaining every day literally robs you of great health.)
  3. No buts about it, stay busy at work (and help others if you have free time). It will be great for your career and keep you from boredom snacking (great for your butt).
  4. Read and re-read positive affirmations that will remind you that you are so much more than what you do to make a living.
  5. If you live in a situation that is less than ideal, get out for long walks, rides, hikes, and chasing the kids around the playground!
  6. Stick with friends who make you happy.
  7. In fact, surround yourself with friends who energize and encourage you, who help you laugh at your troubles and remind you that the beat will go on.

The object of the game now becomes to make a life-long change that you can sustain – a personal sustainability. After all, this is not a sprint and not a race; it’s a personal marathon. Simple changes will add up to big results with consistency.

Learning to laugh is the key to your fit and slender self. If you don’t know how to grow a funny bone, don’t worry, they sell laughter everywhere you look! Unlike confidence and self-esteem – things we have to learn and earn, laugher is actually bucketed up and sold in movies and books, on the radio and on TV. So turn on SNL instead of CNN and laugh your ass off!

Finally, make a list of all your worries and throw yourself a turn-around-to-joy party. Rip that list up, stomp it under your feet, set it on fire and let it go. Put those worries aside and to start to digest all the goodness and joy around you.

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