Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Memorial Day

Well, it’s Memorial Day Weekend, and in memory of those we have lost to obesity and all of its manifestations, I want to ask everyone who reads this to take a moment of silence to think about the long and healthy life that lays ahead of you – if you choose to have it.

Envision it, if you can. You stand at a fork in the road every single day of your life. On one side is the path you must walk to be healthy. There are living foods to pick and eat, there are issues to be dug up and disposed of properly, there are hills to climb and rivers to swim in order to be strong and lean. It is not easy. On the other side is a trolly. You don’t have to walk, and there aren’t any living foods -- because the trolly goes to the drive through every day. There aren’t any issues to dig up, dead dreams and old resentments simply litter the countryside everywhere you look.

This is certainly too simple a picture to paint, but don’t kid yourself, it is accurate. Your choice at that fork can literally eat you alive.
You are honestly worth the hard work and the joy that comes from choosing that path to a long and healthy life.

Start this moment. Don’t celebrate Memorial Day Weekend with an endless stream of self hate (disguised in boxes and bags of fat, salt and refined sugar). Instead, celebrate Memorial Day Weekend with the beginning of your new lifestyle and your new life journey. And believe me, once you start down that road, you are like the leader of the band – a parade of your family and friends will follow you. They will applaud your changing body, and they will embrace and share in many of the new foods and new activities that start to fill up your time – and your heart.

If you need help to get started on that path and leaving a poor body image in the dust while your at it, call me at 415-464-1234 – I will be happy to point you in the right direction and to avoid a few of the roadblocks along the way.

Laura Fenamore, Body Image Mastery

Lifelong solutions to eating disorder recovery, obesity, poor body image, recovery from bulimia, and yo-yo dieting.

Finally, I am currently interviewing people to participate in my upcoming 12-week pilot program: Loving What You See in the Mirror (Crucial Components to Permanent Weight Loss). Please email me at once if you would like to be considered; there are only a few openings, so don't delay. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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