Sunday, May 11, 2008

“Why is Water so important?”

Marching to a new beat means taking action and if you are not drinking enough water I urge you to get into action about that immediately.

Tea and Coffee and soft drinks do not count as a replacement for water. SORRY.
Water is the single most important thing we put in our mouths.

Here are six important reasons we must drink water everyday:
1. to regulate our body temperature
2. to keep our vital body parts hydrated
3. to aid nutrients in traveling to our organs
4. to transport oxygen to our cells
5. to remove waste
6. to protect our joints and organs.

In addition water fills you up and flushes away those things that keep your cells stagnant. It is so healing. I encourage you to read up on the impact water has on your health and well-being.

What are you waiting for? March right on over to a glass of water right now and drink up.

Some of my clients have complained that it makes them have to use the rest room more often. I say, it is a small price for the benefits.

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